In our sights: Reichsbürger scene in NRW is growing

Reichsbürger Reisepass
In our sights: Reichsbürger scene in NRW is growing
In North Rhine-Westphalia, there are 2,750 people with links to the Reichsbürger scene. In Germany as a whole, 18,000 people are considered to be Reich citizens.

In just a few months, the number of people attributed to the "Reich Citizens' Movement" has been revised upwards several times across Germany and in NRW. While the North Rhine-Westphalia Office for the Protection of the Constitution counted 300 so-called Reich citizens in NRW in 2016, the figure had already risen to 2,200 by January 2018. Today, six months later, the number stands at 2,750. This rapid increase is due on the one hand to the security authorities shedding light on the Reich citizens' scene and the public and all authorities becoming more aware of the issue, resulting in a continuous flow of reports. On the other hand, Reichsbürger are spreading their propaganda and offers on the internet, which leads to a large dark field and a further influx into the Reichsbürger movement. The size of the dark field is worrying, given the high affinity for weapons in the scene and the non-recognition of the Federal Republic of Germany as a state.

In October 2016, a police officer in Bavaria was fatally injured by a Reichsbürger. Since this terrible incident, there has been increased public interest in the Reichsbürger scene. Almost ten percent of Reich citizens known to the authorities have a firearms license. Their anti-constitutional stance and their actions are an indication that they are unreliable under firearms law. The weapons authorities therefore consider revoking this permit for every known Reichsbürger.

As of February 28, 2018, 115 people belonging to the Reichsbürger and self-administration scene had weapons permits. Revocation proceedings had been initiated against 59 of these 115 people in accordance with the Weapons Act, which have not yet been finalized. Since the start of the review of firearms licenses and their revocation in the case of persons who can be attributed to the Reichsbürger and self-administration scene, a further 47 persons had their firearms licenses revoked with final effect by the reporting date. The number of firearms licenses exceeds the number of people, as individual people register several reasons for needing them, such as hunters and marksmen, and therefore hold several firearms licenses.


Criminal offenses committed by the Reichsbürger scene in NRW

Since 01.01.2015, 2,907 criminal offenses have been recorded by persons attributed to the Reichsbürger scene. 335 offenses have been reported as politically motivated. Of the 2,907 total crimes recorded, 322 were violent crimes, 28 of which were reported as politically motivated crime (PMK).


Ideology of the "Reich Citizens' Movement" in NRW

According to the ideology of the "Reich Citizens' Movement", the German Reich continues to exist within the borders of the 1930s. The Federal Republic of Germany is not a sovereign state, but is often referred to as a limited liability company. Reich citizens therefore recognize neither the applicable law nor the state's monopoly on the use of force. As a result, they form fictitious governments and repeatedly commit acts of resistance against civil servants. Even if people are attracted to the "Reich Citizens' Movement" for various reasons (e.g. not paying taxes and fines), the core of the Reich Citizens' ideology with its reference to the German Reich within the borders of the 1930s is clearly right-wing extremist.

The internet plays a prominent role in spreading Reichsbürger claims and motivating sympathizers. There are numerous websites and social media profiles (for example on Facebook) of groups or individuals from the Reichsbürger scene. Among other things, they offer sample forms for dealing with public authorities. Some people use sample forms and recommendations for action from Reichsbürger to evade government payment demands without organizing themselves into Reichsbürger groups. The alleged arguments of the Reichsbürger are also disseminated on the internet. In online comments and discussions, posts repeatedly appear stating that the Federal Republic of Germany does not exist or has no legal legitimacy.


Groups and organizations of the "Reich Citizens' Movement" in NRW

The Reichsbürgerbewegung is a nationwide phenomenon. Structurally, however, it is generally more widespread in rural regions. The main areas in North Rhine-Westphalia are East Westphalia, Lippe, Soest, the Hochsauerland district and the greater Cologne area.

Due to the heterogeneous structures, a sometimes divergent orientation and a generally high fluctuation rate in the personnel environment, a relevant stable organizational structure is only achieved in a few cases. Nevertheless, the offensive use of the internet means that there is constant interaction with radicalization tendencies. In addition to the well-known nationwide groups of Reich citizens, or at least those with such a claim, such as the Commissarial Reich Governments and their derivatives, the following groups have established themselves in NRW:

Association AGAPE e. V. (Gelsenkirchen)

It is an association registered with the Gelsenkirchen district court with around 20 members, which appears to have a "liberal-religious" character. According to initial findings, however, a large proportion of the board and members can be attributed to the Reichsbürger scene. In the meantime, police investigations have been launched into various fraud offenses. Initial indications suggest that the association was primarily founded with criminal intent.

Bio-energetic Living Association (Duisburg)

The association, which is registered at Duisburg Local Court and has around 25 members, is ostensibly dedicated to supporting its members as part of a general life support program. According to previous police findings, this organizational construct was in fact also used to fraudulently obtain funds through bank transfer fraud; a corresponding investigation is also pending here.

Relationships to the Reichsbürger scene are mainly due to the claim against the municipality of Hünxe for payment of a six-figure "life annuity" for various association members. Parallels to the so-called "Malta scam" can be seen here. Furthermore, so-called rural communities were founded, which are considered a form of networking within the scene.


Justice Victim Assistance - WAG-Justice Victim Assistance NRW; "JOH" - (Löhne)

The Justice Victim Aid - also known as a "worldview community" (WAG) and "human rights organization" - claims to be based in Rinteln / Lower Saxony, but is actually based in Löhne. The "Free Church WAG-Active Christians in Germany" and a "Human Rights Court" are also located there. These are both substructures of the JOH.

The JOH and its derivatives are nationally known and active Reichsbürger organizations; the Federal Republic of Germany and its institutions are not recognized as state authorities. Members of the JOH who are targeted by state measures receive legal and organizational assistance for a fee.

The aim is to stop or at least paralyze administrative procedures. There is a high member turnover of up to 60 people.


Indigenous people Germanites / Ring provision ethnic group Germanites (Bochum)

The group emerged from a brief merger between the "Ringvorsorge" and the JOH in 2010. Like the JOH, it claims to represent a named nation of Germanites; its headquarters are in Bochum ("Stadtmission"). The group has made a name for itself in particular by sending extensive material to authorities by fax in the typical Reichsbürger style; this is a rather virtual form of appearance with only a few activists.


Constituent Assembly (CA) - Federal State of Germany

The "Constituent Assembly" (VV) group is misusing a name that has a completely different historical context. It has become known through several letters and emails from the fictitious "Federal State of Germany". These contain typical Reichsbürger content. The VV sees itself as the only legitimate legal successor to the German Reich following the proclamation of a federal state of Germany and the adoption of its own constitution. The VV has a nationwide network.

The substructures are subdivided into "regulars' tables", including in North Rhine-Westphalia. The circle of supporters in NRW is around 70 people.


German Reich Printing Office / Presidium of the German Reich (Kaarst)

The micro-group in Kaarst also traded under the names of the Federal and Reich Presidium, the Office for the Preservation of Evidence of the German Reich, the Reich Justice Office and the People's Reichstag. The various websites contain numerous texts with relevant content, such as an "official gazette".

The activities focus on the production and distribution of "identity documents". These are various fantasy documents - including a Reich identity card, a Reich service card or a Reich driving license - which are offered for sale on the Internet. The focus here is an economic interest.


Free State of Prussia

The so-called Free State of Prussia also considers itself to be the legitimate legal successor to the German Reich. The group disputes the sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Germany and its existence under international law.

Correspondingly, a fantasy state was founded to "reorganize the Free State of Prussia". This state awards offices and uses its own ID cards and documents. The "Free State of Prussia" is divided into the "administrative government" based in Bonn and the federally subordinate provinces with their respective representatives. These provinces include the Province of Westphalia and the Rhine Province.

On the homepage of the "Free State of Prussia", events are regularly announced under the title "Prussian Round Table" and the respective province. These have the character of regulars' tables.

The group is characterized by various spin-offs, which also appear under the name "Free State of Prussia". Functionaries of one of these splinter groups caused a nationwide stir with their attempt to purchase weapons in order to set up their own police force.

All in all, the "Free State of Prussia" is an example of the volatility and high fluctuation within the scene.

Reichsbürger and self-administrators - recognize, classify, act correctly

In North Rhine-Westphalia, there are an increasing number of incidents involving so-called Reichsbürger. This is why the authorities are taking consistent action against them

Reichsbürger and self-administrators keep authorities, especially local authorities, very busy with their activities. They confront public authority employees with absurd applications and hinder the speedy processing of procedures through unruly behavior. Their ultimate aim is to distract government agencies from taking legally required action and to refuse to meet their own payment obligations, such as taxes or fees, or to prevent enforcement proceedings. They often even try to intimidate or threaten law enforcement officers or employees in citizens' offices.

Tips on how to deal with Reich citizens can be found here.


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