Investigations and investigative support

Investigations and investigative support

Areas of investigation
in the LKA NRW
Organized crime (OC) is a particularly harmful form of crime. The violence frequently used by the perpetrators and the dependency relationships and links with public life and the legal economic cycle result in a particular threat to society.
"The state government has set itself the goal of combating the spread of organized gang crime. We are countering criminal members of family clans with a zero-tolerance strategy and maximum control and prosecution pressure. We will make it clear that we will not tolerate any lawless areas or parallel...
The State Security Police deals with the prevention (including averting danger) and prosecution of politically motivated crime (PMK).
Child pornography is a phenomenon that the NRW police have declared to be a priority in the fight against crime in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Case analysis
the forensic tool
Case analysis is a forensic tool that is used to develop clues to support the investigation.
Investigation support
Sophisticated and multifaceted
The Crime Scene Group Explosives/Fire (TOG) supports the police authorities in crime scene work in connection with explosives offenses.
The LKA NRW can digitally freeze an incident or crime scene after outstanding crimes or special operational situations.
With two MEK commandos and the TEG, the LKA NRW also has special units.
Witnesses describe the perpetrator - the LKA NRW creates the wanted picture
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110