New envelopes for collecting money from banks - strengthening prevention

Stylized money transfer envelope with warning notice
New envelopes for collecting money from banks - strengthening prevention
The NRW police designed envelopes with a preventive character to prevent possible fraud.

For around three years, the number of cases of fraud committed by perpetrators over the phone has been on the rise. Despite a wide range of preventative measures, there are repeated cases of completed crimes in which the elderly people defrauded usually lose five-figure sums. The money is often withdrawn by the senior citizens directly from the bank beforehand.
Many bank employees are already doing a good job of prevention. Many crimes are discovered and prevented through cleverly conducted customer conversations when withdrawing money. Unfortunately, however, the perpetrators repeatedly succeed in instructing the victims with specific instructions so that the bank employees do not notice any indications of an imminent crime. In these cases, the fraud is then completed.

For this reason, the Gütersloh police have developed and designed an envelope against telephone fraud. It contains specific instructions for potential victims. It is structured in such a way that it takes into account the most common types of fraud (grandchild scams, promises of winnings on the phone, shock calls and fake police officers)

The state and federal police crime prevention agencies have made their logo available for printing the envelope/money bag so that the financial institutions can design the envelopes according to their own design.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110