Crime prevention
Crime prevention
Crime prevention must be seen as a task for society as a whole and requires the cooperation of all public and private forces.

Police crime prevention, as part of averting danger (Section 1 (1) PolG NRW), is an integral part of the overall police mandate alongside criminal prosecution and victim protection and is therefore a core police task.

Less crime - fewer victims

The primary goal of police crime prevention is to reduce the number of opportunities to commit crimes and to directly prevent socially harmful behavior by people who are willing to commit crimes. In addition to specialized police crime prevention measures, it is therefore particularly important to maintain a targeted, visible presence at crime hotspots and in areas of fear, to react consistently to breaches of the law, to pursue cases of mass crime with appropriate intensity, to intervene consistently in cases of domestic violence, to coordinate intervention concepts with other agencies, especially in the case of young offenders, and to solve crimes quickly.

In the specialist areas of crime prevention and victim protection, the LKA NRW forms the link between prevention at federal and state level and the district police authorities in NRW.

Collaboration in state-wide working groups with other crime prevention officers and work in commissions and project groups as part of the Police Crime Prevention Program (ProPK) are key aspects of this work.

Putting a stop to criminals together

Whether in cooperation with the NRW consumer advice center or in the NRW state working group for youth welfare, police and schools, the aim is always to take coordinated action against threats and new phenomena with strong partners and to put a stop to the perpetrators as early as possible.

Further information and personal advice can be obtained from your local police advice center.

Crime prevention
Kriminalprävention ist als gesamtgesellschaftliche Aufgabe zu begreifen und erfordert das Zusammenwirken aller staatlichen und privaten Kräfte.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110