Investigations topic page

Cybercrime Competence Center
Investigations topic page
The State Office of Criminal Investigation NRW investigates and prosecutes criminal offences within the scope of its subject matter jurisdiction in accordance with Section 13 (3) of the Police NRW Organization Act (POG). As the central office, it is responsible for receiving and processing suspected money laundering reports in accordance with the Money Laundering Act and operates the state-wide corruption hotline for reports of corruption offenses.

In addition to investigative activities, the evaluation and analysis of organized crime is another important area of responsibility.
Investigation areas in the LKA NRW
in the LKA NRW
Organisierte Kriminalität (OK) ist eine besonders schädliche Ausprägung von Kriminalität. Sie bildet ein wichtiges Arbeitsfeld des LKA NRW.
Money rules the world. Many crimes are only committed to enrich themselves. This always happens at the expense of others. But after the crime, the perpetrator is faced with the second task: the "dirty" proceeds must be laundered. Only when it is no longer possible for the police to trace the route o...
Jährlich richtet Korruption einen erheblichen Schaden an, materiell wie auch immateriell. Das LKA NRW unterhält eine Hotline zur Anzeige korruptionsverdächtiger Sachverhalte.
In Germany, the phenomena of environmental crime are prosecuted by the state with the help of criminal law, environmental criminal law and administrative offense law.
White-collar crime does not comprise a clearly definable field of offense, but rather a complex area of crime.
Investigation support
Sophisticated and multifaceted
Since the introduction of the concept for dealing with sex offenders at risk of reoffending (KURS) in NRW in 2010, only 3.1% of them have relapsed. Scientific studies on the recidivism rates of sex offenders predict that around 20 percent of those released from prison will reoffend.
Case analysis is a forensic tool that is used to develop clues to support the investigation.
The Crime Scene Group Explosives/Fire (TOG) supports the police authorities in crime scene work in connection with explosives offenses.
With two MEK commandos and the TEG, the LKA NRW also has special units.
The LKA NRW can digitally freeze an incident or crime scene after outstanding crimes or special operational situations.
The deployment of undercover investigators (VE) and persons of trust (VP) serves, among other things, to identify and uncover criminal structures.
Witness protection measures serve on the one hand to protect the endangered witness and on the other hand to ensure that this person's testimony in court is uninfluenced.
The exchange of information with foreign countries is a form of foreign affairs that falls within the remit of the Federal Government according to the Basic Law. The LKA NRW examines both the requests sent by the police authorities from NRW to other countries via the BKA and the requests sent from a...
Witnesses describe the perpetrator - the LKA NRW creates the wanted picture
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110